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  • Zone 1: 25 Cal Bike
    • 11/16/21

    Zone 1: 25 Cal Bike

    You will be able to adjust the seat prior to the start of the heat to your preference. You cannot proceed to the run until all 25 cals are completed and judge checks your monitor.

  • Zone 2: 20 Box Jump Burpee Overs
    • 11/16/21

    Zone 2: 20 Box Jump Burpee Overs

    Notes: Chest hits the floor on the burpees and two feet must step on the box, whether step up or box jump.

  • Zone 3: 750m Ski
    • 11/16/21

    Zone 3: 750m Ski

    Damper setting can be set to your preference but must complete 750m, be approved by a judge before progressing to your run

  • Zone 4: 30 Ram Snatches
    • 11/16/21

    Zone 4: 30 Ram Snatches

    For Zone 4 you have 30 Ram Snatches. Males weight is 44 lbs Females is 33 lbs. Must touch the floor and clear your head every rep, full extension over head is not necessary.

  • Zone 5: 750m Row
    • 11/16/21

    Zone 5: 750m Row

    When you arrive to your rower you can adjust damper settings, foot plates and get to work. Once you hit 750m, a judge will clear you to progress to the run

  • Zone 7: 100yd Farmers Carry
    • 11/16/21

    Zone 7: 100yd Farmers Carry

    Pick up and go. If you drop the weights you must start from exactly where you dropped them. You must cross both lines again. Males are 45pds Females 25pds.

  • Zone 8: 100yd Sled Push
    • 11/16/21

    Zone 8: 100yd Sled Push


    The end. Males have 205 lbs (+60lb sled) Females 135 lbs (+45lb Sled). Get across that line back and forth and sprint to through the finish line.